Big Problem with the publication of Dreams
I have the same problem that has already been reported in this forum before.
When trying to save online (as private) or launch a public version of my creation, I can't do it because apparently I don't have permissions for a certain scene, but I can't find out what it is. In the two online options I get an exclamation mark that supposedly should tell me which creations are problematic, but when I click on it, I get another screen with a gray "globe" with the forbidden symbol and a message that says that "the creation is not available."
If I look at the creations that I am using from the "update" mode inside the edit mode, I see them all correctly. with their miniatures.
I have tried to create a dream and put that scene into the dream and release it. At first everything was fine, but at the moment of truth I get another error message that says I don't have permissions for the scene (letters and numbers), and it turns me back.
The funny thing is that I have saved online versions for two weeks that I can "download" them, and without making any changes, I try to save it online again and I get the error again.
I'm desperate. I don't want to think that I've wasted two years of work!!
I have an online version saved in case you need to access the creation. Just tell me what you need.
The scene I supposedly don't have access to is "o8980963f46a64e"
I have submitted a ticket (4121)
I've continued to work on my project locally, avoiding introducing new items, and now I'm getting two items that I don't seem to have publish privileges to. But you still won't tell me what they are.
I have come to literally delete all the content of the scene until leaving the thermometer at 0%, and the error persists.
No news at the moment...
Is the problem solved?
Yesterday I did the test and it let me save a private version online, so I guess you have already solved the problem...
Thank you very much for the service and attention provided.
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