Last Minute Additions before September
Ok, so we still have sone time until September before Support stops and TLC#6 was supposedly the last big Update to the Game; however there are still a few things I would like to see added to the game that (hopefully) aren't too complex but would still be a very welcome last minute addition to the game in my opinion:
- Additional Touchpad Controls (Tap Left/Right [Like with the new Animation Update], Swipe Left/Right/Up/Down, X/Y Coordinates on the Touchpad [Music Tools already use that])
- Selection Options in Edit Mode (Select ALL of one kind [Could be as simple as selecting a sculpt and a button showing up on the right to select every single sculpt that is the same, that data is also already available which shows the "liven copy" tool], Box Select [Could be a screenspace select, so you draw a 2D Square and everything in that and behind that gets selected or could be a 3D Box Select so you have a bit more control]
- Global Variable Counter (Basically just a way to see how many Global Variables are currently used in in a Dream and the current Scene) since there is currently no way to tell if you reached the limit or not until stuff breaks
- Camera Follow Lag (Basically a slider on the Controller Sensor Camera Tab which let's you add horizontal Camera Follow lag [Pretty much every 3rd Person Game has this to some extend])
- View Profile as Guest (Since the Server Migration Profiles got pretty messy and I'd just like to see how other People see my Profile without logging in with an alt account)
- Ruler visible in Sculptmode (Self explanatory, Ruler is pretty much useless but only because you can't see it in sculpt mode)
- Delete multiple Versions in one go (Currently if you want to delete Versions you have to do it one by one, this gets extremely tedious if you have thousands of Versions and only wanna keep named saves that actually made some reasonable progress so in the deletion menu, I'd like to simply select multiple versions and delete them in one go)
- Console Version Output in Global Settings Gadget (I know that there are already Community made gadgets out there which can detect the console but it feels hacky and sometimes inconsistent, and you can't be entirely sure if it actually works if you don't have the console so a simple Output of idk "4/4,5/5" or "1,2,3" [With description of what what is] to know which console the player is playing on would be very nice to have especially to optimize your game on the fly based on what console the player is playing on)
- Screenspace Detection Output in Look Cursor Sensor (The Look Cursor Sensor currently only detects if you directly look at a sculpt it would be a really nice addition to have an output if something is on screen at all, obviously with some padding options so it could actually be used to spawn something in only when it's almost im view [Again there are hacky solutions to this already, which I even made myself, but this would streamline alot of those logic circuits])
- Custom/Way more Icons for Nodes (There are a handful of Icons to choose from when using a Node but it would be nice to have a wider array of things you can set the icon to)
- Ingame way to select Icons in Textboxes (There are so many Icons and all have a weird <code> that you have to remember or look up, an ingame way to see and preferably select all at once would be amazing)
- Gyroscope axis tweaks (3 Tweaksliders to select how much the gyroscope should upright itself to in each axis also based on local or global orientation)
- Add more MM Puppets to the blank Puppet Collection Gadet
- Fix jiggling Headtracker HUD when too far away from Center (Currently the max is around 2.5 km from the Center before HUD Elements start spassing out because you are too far away from the center [not sure if this could be easily fixed though because it's probably just a rounding error])
- Grabbing for both hands in VR
There are a couple of other things that I would absolutely love to see like Haptic Feedback and adaptive Triggers, but that would probably require too much research and QA if not already done unlike the the things above which I think are mostly low hanging fruits when it comes to features that would greatly improve the experienc with the last days of possible updates.
Also I know that there are technical reasons the Notification System had to be reverted back to the old Version but you guys should seriously reconsider if this was a worthwhile change to save on Ressources. It's basically useless in the current state especially if you are a part of a lot of collaborations I literally see NO comments people leave on my creations because it's so insanely bloated (while I see them if I go to my creations itself). Forget seeing collab Invites when I'm away from my console for more than a day. There has to be a way to get around that.
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