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Sun shadows have draw distance limit, but light gadget shadows don't?

  • AndymationB

    My understanding is that shadows cost a lot of processing power to render, so they've taken steps to limit how many are made at once. My guess would be that since the sun covers the entire scene, they've limited the rendering to a distance around the player. Spotlights are available if there's a place where that kind of lighting is important, but yeah they have other limits.

    Better than your scene crashing, I suppose.


  • MadPropz101

    Yeah I figured as much, the thing is I didn't notice any slow down using a bunch of light gadgets to make the shadows instead of the Sun, but the unity between them cannot be achieved to simulate the light of the Sun itself.

  • AndymationB

    They mentioned this in the stream yesterday, and said someone was working on the sun shadow problem.

    They also said it was causing them trauma, so... maybe it won't be for a while? lol


  • MadPropz101

    Oh ok, good to know they are working on it!

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