Problem with emmited object following the object that emitted it.
Had no idea how to word the title better.
I have a weapon which emmits bullets and it works fine, but now i want to add a bullet impact effect and ran into strange issues. I made the impact effect with an animated painting, and i made the bullet emmit the effect when it hits something.
This all works fine except for the fact that when i move my weapon while the impact effect still exists, the effect moves together with the weapon instead of staying where it was spawned. I tried turning off Local Space on Emitter, i also tried getting the Bullet Transform before it dies and adding it to the Screen Space Transform on the emitter, but the issue remains.
How do i make this work ?
There is a bug we are aware of that is causing this.
For now you can get around this by grouping your impact effect with a small invisible non collidable sculpt, then emit that group instead of just the painting.
hope that helps
John -
I made a small sphere, non collidable and invisible, left it as nonmoveable and connected it to the painting. I changed the emitted object to the whole group, but the issue still remains. What am i missing?
I also tried making the group moveable and it still doesn’t work. The impact effect is set to spawn a bit infront of the bullet, but instead it spawns relative to the weapon?
What you did in your reply shouldv'e worked, but try removing the emitted object source outside of your puppet and back up to the root world by grabbing it and scoping out while keeping hold of it
let me know how you get on
John -
Yeah scoping out did work, although it’s kinda tricky to get working atm.
Thanks for the help!
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