I began work on a horror project at the beginning of the beta but now I want to take some time away for a bit ( come back later with more perspective ) and work on a sidescroller.
I missed the gravy train of LBP so I don't know all there is to know about crafting a side scrolling experience.
I've seen you need a follower and a tag but it's where i connect things and what tweaks I need to do that has me lost. My character keeps falling off, i don't know how to keep them on the path.
John- as I said on twitter. Stream was incredibly useful. I was wondering how you make things physical like hair so to see it was helpful. That's definitely the good thing about the streams, you can see the process play out. Sometimes it can be difficult if you're new reading something and trying to connect the dots yourself when playing.
Anyways, thanks for any help !
Someone made a demo level to show how to set it up. I'll see if I can find it. Ah, got it. https://indreams.me/scene/ZPm2Sc4E6mo I don't know if that's what you're looking for. I suspect the setup with the character movement would be the same to keep them on that plane.
Yeah I checked it out and tried it but it still didn't work. >_< I think it's just hard for me to process it all there. I like to see how it's put together in motion ya know?
or rather...
Okay put this gadget here and take the wire from this spot on said gadget to this other spot on other gadget.
That's the kind of detail someone dumb like me needs. :p -
Add me on PSN and I could walk you through a set up like that. I recently published a side scroller myself called "hiker's Dream" feel free to check it out if that's what your looking for
You plonk a tag in the world that you want to be the ‘anchor’. Then you put a follower gadget on your character set to follow that tag.
Right, so by default that’ll just move straight to,the tag in all axes - you don’t want that. So you tweak the follower and just have it follow in Z` - with damping set to 100% and follow strength set to 100%. Set X and Y to 0.
This means the follower will ‘follow’ the tag position in Z (so it stays on the same plane as the tag) but you still have control over the X and Y
Make sense? -
There are a few 2D platformer tutorial levels that talk you through how to set it up in multiple different ways.
I'll add you when I get on @pokerjer and thanks everyone for that extra help. :)
Great community here.
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