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  • legoman-D

    He said more recently that OSC support should be int there, but there's no guarantee it will make it into the final product. Also, it requires a pc/mac and a small tool he's written that he hasn't released yet - but he did tweet yesterday about public domain licensing, so it could be that he's close to doing that (it could also be totally unrelated!). Don't buy the keyboard just yet.

  • legoman-D

    Oh, the tweet you quoted also says any midi tool outputting OSC will work - well then, ignore what I said and wait for someone who has actually tried that to verify it. I do like the idea of being able to "import" midi data to dreams that way.

  • mawltea

    So ... sending OSC to Dreams - what can send OSC to? Can you only send notes, or can you send control signals as well? I would literally drool all over myself if you can send LFO's from Live to modulate fleck type on a painting, for instance.

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