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Can't find my published level when I search for it.

  • Supposer

    Was it set to “private”, maybe?

    If you just want to find it to work on it or whatever, all your creations can be found through the home space. Hit main menu, then your name at the top of the screen.

  • MadPropz101

    '@Supposer nah it is set to public and submitted to the Winter Jam. It says 4 people have played it but I can't find it when I search.

  • Soggy75

    I encountered the same issue. I know I can view my creation from within my own menu. But I wanted to make sure that people could see the instructions under the thumbnail. Couldn't find my creation when searching for it. It would be nice if the message also showed up on the title page of my creation so I can verify it that way instead.

  • Entropy-Tamed

    Are you sure it was in a “dream” and not something else?

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