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Ternary / switch/ if/then logic

  • njm1992

    Calculator gadget + a NOT gate might be able to do the trick

  • njm1992

    Maybe not, give me a little bit and I’ll try and work something out and send it to you in dreams

  • njm1992

    I’ve send you a basic ternary logic chip I’ve created :)

  • njm1992

    For a switch case I’d guess you’d do something similar to the ternary I send you, just with more calculators

  • davidnorth100

    Thanks @njm1992!

  • davidnorth100

    For the benefit of anyone else wondering, the key was finding a way to conditionally send some output. The solution (thanks @njm1992) was to send a signal through a node, the conditionally power that node. So basically a node can act as a signal switch. This way any kind of conditional logic will be possible.

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