Changing all copies by only tweaking the original object?
Is there any way to change all clones properties just by changing the original object they were copied from? I saved my first sculpt as a creation, then copied multiple times, and then I went to edit source, but after changing it and going back to the level no clones have changed.
This would be a game changer. I don't know how either, but I would like to. This would be an infinitely useful tool. The only thing I can come up with would be something with emitters, but I am not sure what exactly it would be.
Coming from After Effects, I totally agree that I'd love a template I can pre-compose, so to speak, and then alter after the fact. I keep creating groups and stuff and notice that I made a mistake across cloned items that I'd love to change for all of them.
Alternatively, selecting all clones of a kind would be comfortable. -
If you want to be able to update the clones of an element, you must save it to the Dreamiverse (or locally) before you clone it for the Update Mode to work.
Once it's saved, then clone it, and when you update the source element, the ones in your scene will update using the update tool. They will NOT update automatically.
Any clone made before it was saved will not update using Update Mode.
Changes made to an element in the scene will not get passed back to the source element, so you must make changes there only if you want them to filter back up the genealogy.
An additional thing that may help is live cloning. If you use the clone tool (assembly menu) rather than the shortcut, you can use L1 when cloning to create a live clone. Live clones will propagate their changes to their live clones withing the scene, but again will not propagate back to the source element file.
- Rich -
Update mode is in the modes menu. It will display a red notification pip if any elements in the scene have newer versions available.
- Rich -
I wondered where update function, so happy to have found this thread!!
Interesting, thanks!
Oh wow I wish I had known about live clone before!
It would be really great if live clone were a global toggle, like the guides, so we could use it with the move tool shortcut. Then we would be less likely to find ourselves in a situation where changing a sculpture creates a ton of extra work replacing objects. And it would be really nice if changing any of the live clones applied to all of them as an option, not only changes to the original. Then it would be easier to edit things in-place.
It is really frustrating when you realize that all those wall sections you carefully laid out need to be deleted and placed again.
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