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Not really how do I but

  • AndymationB

    You don't have to have the mirror on for your initial shape placement. You do have to leave mirror mode on when you want symmetrical things. Only shut it off when you don't.

    It's hard to say exactly what went wrong without seeing it first hand. But any shapes placed in mirror mode will continue to mirror each other. So you can move around the pieces of the ear and the same pieces on the other side should move to match. If you move something and there's no mirrored shape on the other side, then you managed to accidentally place something with mirror mode off.

  • Pookachoo

    I had this happen once or twice way back in beta, not a regular thing for me though.
    I have gotten in the habit of always placing my first shape because I find it makes it easier to align later on. You might try using the grid to get started and see if that makes any difference :)

  • Danjc84

    '@AndymationB yeah thats the problem i never turn the mirror off when doing heads.

    Maybee were supposed to have the mirror on from the start and upright on that way the mirror can only be central not where the game thinks mirror should be?? Maybe Idk

    Or i could of accidentally moved the initial starting blob coz that would in effect move the mirror from central

    I no longer have the model i deleted it i was just asking for future ref

  • Supposer

    If you move the initial edit, it won't make any difference to the mirror. The mirror and kaleidoscope uses the origin point of the sculpt. That origin point is set when you add the first ever edit. Even if you move that edit or delete it later, the origin is now set forever more.

  • AndymationB

    Supposer speaks the important truth. As a matter of habit, I always try to check the mirror and kaleidoscope orientation after I place my beginning shape if I think I might use them later. It hurts so bad when you get 80% there, then decide mirror will make things easier, but realize it's turned the wrong way or way off center. :'-(

    If your initial sculpt isn't where you want it in the world, make sure you scope out before moving it, and then it will take the mirror with it.

  • Danjc84

    So just an update you can infact move a sculp mirror by moving the sculp but the sculp has to be a stamped shape eg. Square only then turn mirror on now you can move the square to where you want the mirror to be

    This was my problem when sculping a head I moved the first sculp that was placed without the mirror being on before I placed it.

    Hope this helps

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