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Cutting/subtracting with a custom shape?

  • alexp Mm Team
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    So you can stretch and fine tune a shape in the shape editor - so while in sculpt mode press L1 + square and then manipulate the shape with the arrow widgets. Then you can leave shape editor and from the regular sculpt palette menu change to subtract mode.

    Hope that helps!

    - Alex

  • Ender352

    Thanks Alex, It took a little playing with but I figured it out, and its really a game changer. I didn't even know that there was a shape editor. Makes so much more sense now!

  • alexp Mm Team
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    No problem! Glad you got it figured out

  • davidnorth100

    If you use move, you can bump the globs together as a shortcut for this operation.

  • DoublePounch

    Oh my god thanks Alex lol been looking for the exact same thing

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