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A 'persist in dream' setting for timelines

  • RainisaurusRox

    That would be so awesome. 😌

  • OgTheEnigma

    I feel this would have to be done at the expense of persistent Variable data. Maybe they could add it when Variables are expanded in the future?

    I presume there's already Elements on the Dreamiverse with this readily set up? It should be fairly simple to create with a Variable / Modifier and a Keyframe.

  • LadyLexUK
    Conversation starter

    Anything that allows people to do more complicated logic with a simple toggle on a tweak menu is a good idea.

  • Skn3--

    Yeah, not being able to play music across scenes easily/reliably/seamlessly is a bit of a jank. I can see the problem though. Each scene has its own thermo limit so its not as if you can just have the music track playing "in the background" and across scenes.

    Your suggestion for persist and named timelines is a really good solution. It fits in with the current way some similar Dreams logic works.

    The other option is being able to load in a Dream dynamically, into some kind of "container gadget". This would let you create a container scene and then you have the background music here.

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