Dreams Update v2.35/2.36 - Bugs & Issues Thread
Hey, CoMmunity! 👋 Happy Release Day!
Our brand new Dreams Update is out now! It's an update of two halves - in one corner we have Ancient Dangers: A Bat's Tale ⚔️, in the other corner, we have DreamShaping Reshaped! 🎨
To find out more about what's new in this Dreams update, check out our release notes: https://drms.me/dreams-v235
If you haven't done so already, you can also watch Ancient Danger's mega fancy trailer here: https://youtu.be/hDdmQazKDs8.
As always, if you encounter any bugs or issues 🐛 after downloading this big update, please let us know in this thread. We'll investigate and look to get back to you ASAP. 💖
Now what are you waiting for?! Get playing now and go show those dragons what happens when you mess with teenage Orcs! 🐲
For the most part I like the changes to the DreamShaping UI, but I noticed that the collections for prizes in Art's Dream, Welcome Garden Adventure and the Mm Imp Quests have vanished from the Prizes category of the Search menu (prior to this update, those three collections were pinned as the top results when searching the Dreamiverse for prizes). They don't appear in the "Creations By Media Molecule" category either, so it's a lot harder to sort through the Mm prizes now, especially if you've collected a lot of community prizes since playing those games.
This doesn't seem to affect the Homespace Editor - which hasn't been touched by the UI changes as far as I can tell - so it's at least possible to add those collections to your Play Later queue and access them from there, but it still a bit of an oversight. Hopefully this gets addressed soon.
EDIT: Never mind, turns out you can't access your Play Later queue while creating, so unless I'm missing something there's no way to access those collections in Create Mode without using indreams.me or making a new collection specifically to house them. Seems like a pretty big oversight if you ask me.
The update content is also usable offline: Awesome and thank you!
Related to that, albeit not exactly a bug: when you are offline, in the Play section there's no mention of Ancient Dangers or other games released (for offline usage) after the VR update. You should update the game panels when you're not connected to the internet ;)
Hey Chunky104 👋 Thanks for flagging this issue to us. We're currently investigating, especially since it now seems quite difficult to find any Mm prizes quickly. 💖
Thank you for the feedback, JackyPrower! I've shared this with the Team 💖
I found a bug having to do with head trackers. Essentially, a motion sensor does not register if the head tracker moves around in the scene anymore.
This is one which has halted development on my game for quite a while now, as I am using a motion sensor set in relation to the head tracker to track hand movement in my game "Into Light".
I am escalating this issue here, because both of my support tickets either did not send, or were ignored for about a week.
I am going to try and send another today.
Sorry for the inconveniences! -
Hey CEntertain_PS 👋 Sorry to hear you've been experiencing this problem with the head tracker. I've shared this with the Team and I'll post here once I have any updates. Thanks for sharing! 💖
so let's go after the 11/30 update i lost some scenes of my creation in the cosmo dream breaking the timeline of the project i was creating. today on the 6th of October I went in again and realized that I lost a new scene and my imp (pet) disappeared. When I enter my imps gallery they are all there but when I select it disappears and doesn't show up on the screen. I hope you can help me because I wasted a lot of time on the project I've been creating since now, thank you for your attention
and the scenes keep fading from the dream!
Hi XxganjadaoxX 👋. I'm sorry to hear you've encountered this problem! Please could you raise a Support Ticket with us so we can investigate further. 💖
A somewhat less severe bug that I've noticed concerns the Mini-Golf Foundation scene; the Music On/Off switch doesn't actually turn off all the music by default. Even though the switch turns off the big music chip next to it as you'd expect, there actually another copy of that chip inside the "Mini-Golf Player Character Group" that isn't wired to anything. It's easy enough to delete it if you enable X-Ray and you know where to look, but considering that these templates are aimed at players who are just starting out with Dreams, someone who's new to creating might get confused when they go to turn off the music using the big "Music On/Off" switch only to find that it keeps playing regardless.
As far as I can tell, Mini-Golf is the only template that's affected by this issue, as it's the only one where the music is included in the kit's Player Character element by default.
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