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Community Events For Personas

  • LadyLexUK
    Conversation starter

    The persona types don't really reflect the users though. Mine has been stuck on Art for a while now, while I apparently "dabble" in curation. I "play" over 200 Dreams a week and I have never seen play as my persona. The persona system is underutilised because it doesn't really have a purpose and it only really swaps about early on in your Dreamer levels as you try different things. I would not like to be excluded from a play event because I dont have play as a persona, when I probably play more games than most people. Same with a logic event. I have never been sure what the persona things are really for TBH.

  • RedSeikatsu-

    Perhaps a more robust persona mechanic can be introduced, I’ve never really thought much of it but I do like that it shows me what I do mostly even if I know in my own head.

  • Lucid_Stew

    LadyLexUK Its interesting that is your experience.  I've shifted from Art to Art + Audio to Art + Design while going from level 285 to level 290.  I don't think Curation accumulates very quickly, so perhaps a fix for the persona system itself is also in order.  I've done a fair amount myself, and mine is rather low. Some people are Play, so it must accumulate somewhat, but maybe its like Curation where it gets overwhelmed by things like Art and Design that seem to go up rather quickly.  Interestingly enough, the global averages for Curation and Play are not that low.

  • VinceKully

    I've been stuck with the "audio" persona/label for a long time. No matter how much I do other things, I think the time it takes to make music just outweighs the other things.


    It would be great if you could *choose* your label...

  • SwarmHammer

    The personna system is only useful to level up by completing levels in the different categories, reflect what you have been doing most over time, changes once in a while, but other than that it's useless. And I would love Mm NOT to concentrate on such a non-issue and start crunching on the things they have "promised" in the trello board like the advanced calculator, the bake tool, color in text gadgets and other improvements, 3D printing/export, etc...

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