Community Jam Deadline
When a Community Jam deadline say '3 days to go', does that mean at the end of the 3rd day? or beginning? and what time zone is used?
When it says 3 days to go i think it means 72 hours remaining
That doesnt really help, since it will say the same thing for an entire day. It cant be 72 hrs at the beginning of the day and still 72 hrs at the end of the day...
So more precisely, what time does the community jam end? midnight, noon, 4pm? and in what time zone. Unless there is an hourly countdown on the last day...
It's at least 3 days. So, at least 72 hours. If there are less than 24 hours left, it will say "14 hours to go" or whatever. If there's less than 1 hour, it will say "56 minutes to go," etc.
So, timezone doesn't enter into it for the countdown. It would be useful if it also showed the literal amount of days/hours/minutes/seconds remaining so people could be clear on how it works--I see this question all the time because of the confusion.
For reference, the jam always ends on a Tuesday, at 12 noon UK time. But as I say, the countdown is accurate regardless of what your timezone is.
Thank you. Knowing it gives us an hourly count on the last day is helpful. All day today it said 1 day to go, so i had to work under the assumption that it closed down at end of day. But if what you say is true, then there is one more full day...
I did submit my first Jam game today. Nothing impressive, but it was good practice on some of the basics. Onwards and upwards!
This is a pretty common confusion. I've posted a suggestion to add an explicit countdown/deadline to it, so that people won't misunderstand. You can upvote it if you like :D
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