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Move multiple text displayers

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    There's not, unfortunately. What I tend to do is have them "in-scene" inside a head tracker. (Or several inside one chip.) Then I can easily move them around however I wish to.

  • UncleM_Games

    Yea, digging through the archives, i can see that this has been an issue for a while.  So now, instead of something trivial that should be simple, i need to decide which is worse, retyping (without keyboard) all my text multiple times for better visual alignment, or moving them manually one by one.  Hours of work for what should be seconds...  Or maybe just rethink entirely what i am doing

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    Or make them in-scene. Is that not an option for you?

    By the way, you can easily copy text. Select more than one text gadget, tweak the one with the text you want to copy. Edit the text, and submit it (R2). Now all selected text gadgets have that text set for them.

  • UncleM_Games

    Not really an option unless i start over from the ground up....

    But, if i understand correct, you can copy text from one gadget to the next with them staying in their differently placed locations?   I knew you could clone whole gadgets, text and all, but you'd then have to move them...  If true, while it will still be insanely tedious, maybe i only need to do them all again one more time instead of  many, although im not sure thats any different than cloning and moving, over and over and over.   I dont think youd believe me if i told you how many i have to do.... lol

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    Yes, it would only change the setting you changed. So in this case, only the text would change.

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