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Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer via your web browser and allow servers hosting website content to recognise visitors and remember their activity.
Cookies may last for just for the duration of your visit or they may last for longer allowing the server to recognise visitors over multiple visits.
Cookies are stored separately for each web browser you use and cookies stored via one browser will not usually be available via other web browsers on the same device.
We use cookies on all of our indreams.me sites to store information about you, your player profile and your preferences. For example, our cookies mean you won't need to sign in every time you visit indreams.me and the menus on the site will remember where you left off between visits. Little things to improve the overall experience. We do not use any cookies for marketing or advertising.
Choose which cookies you would like to allow on all indreams.me sites. You can change your preferences at any time.
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Service cookies are necessary to provide the core functionality of our indreams.me sites in order to operate smoothly. Below is a list of service cookies we use, plus a little extra information on what we use them for.
Name | Purpose | Applies to |
AuthToken | Stores encrypted information about the currently signed in user, allowing for them to remain signed in whilst this cookie is on the machine. | indreams.me |
Locale | Information about the language and location of the user, allowing for indreams.me to be served in the correct language for the user. | indreams.me |
MenuConfig | Configuration and settings for the sites app menu. This is updated regularly during a users session and interaction on the site. | indreams.me |
SignInRedirect | Used to redirect the user back to whatever page they were on, after they click "Sign-in". | indreams.me |
CookieConsent | This is used to confirm that you've seen our message telling you the site requires cookies to function. Saving this means we don't need to show you this message again. It also saves your preference for whether or not you want to allow Google Analytics to run. | indreams.me, docs.indreams.me, forums.indreams.me |
palette-controller-type | Stores your preference of controller type on the interactive Edit Mode Guide. | docs.indreams.me |
Non-service cookies are not strictly necessary to provide the core functionality of our indreams.me sites but are helpful to ensure we can improve them, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
We use Google Analytics to see which pages users visit on our indreams.me sites most often, the paths they take between pages and what sort of technology is being used to access the website. It is a helpful tool which provides us with insightful data, allowing us to make more informed decisions when it comes to design and feature updates.
Google Analytics can be used in different ways with many options, including some that affect the privacy of those using our indreams.me sites. For complete transparency, here's a look at our configuration.
Area | Feature | Status |
Data retention(opens in new tab) | User and event data retention | 26 months |
Data retention(opens in new tab) | Reset on new activity | Enabled |
User identification and profiling(opens in new tab) | IP Addresses | Anonymised |
Your web browser may offer settings to disable and/or delete all cookies used on our indreams.me sites. Be aware that if you do disable cookies, our indreams.me sites will not function correctly. You will not be able to sign-in and your language preference will no longer be saved properly.