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#AllHallowsDreams - Bugs and Issues Thread

  • LadyLexUK
    Conversation starter

    Once again the instructions on these things are so complex I have absolutely no idea what you want here. Please clarify the rules highlighted in bold.
    Lets look at the scarecrow instructions.

    1. No more than 3% graphics, and 3% Gameplay
    OK got that
    2. You may not resize the template
    3. Sculpting must be within the boundaries of the box you can see when you go to Tools> Hide
    4.You may sculpt onto the scarecrow’s surface, but you may not alter its shape.
    Umm.. that's a good trick. If you sculpt onto the scarecrow you are by definition altering its shape. So what exactly is meant by this? 
    5. DO not unfreeze the sticks
    6. Do not resize the ruler
    7. No copyright material
    8.No audio
    OK. Disappointing. But okay.

    So you think you are set but then you get...

    9. You may add flecks and finishes and TWO additional sculpts(e.g. a hat and a pitchfork, or a tie and a pair of glasses)
    What is not clear here is copies. If I make an eyeball and I want it shiny then it will need to be an additional sculpt. If I clone it to make 2 eyes is that my TWO sculpts or is that still ONE? If I sculpt a hat, paint it with flecks and delete the sculpt, I have a hat but it isn't a sculpt. Are you going to count that as flecks of which I have no limit or a sculpt because it is a hat?

    10. You must not increase the detail on the scarecrow above the set limit

    This is a repeat of number 1. So I am assuming you  CAN increase the detail on the scarecrow as long as it does not go over 3%, and as we already have the rule about the 3% this is just confusing. There are NO instructions about decreasing the detail and it is unclear as how it relates to points 12 and 13 (looseness). Reducing detail may be the only option to reduce the thermo down to 3%, so I am assuming it is okay to do - but it may affect the looseness of the sculpt - so I am unclear it we are allowed to optimise.

    11. You must not touch Emit Light settings. Glow Limit is 25%
    12. You must not use tweaks on other pages. So no animation effects, no changes to impasto and ruffle and looseness because they are on page 3

    There are multiple ways of creating these effects. The tweak menu gives you finer control than the style mode, but by using Style mode you automatically change the settings on the tweak menu. However in point 13 you CAN use style, so presumably you can change impasto and ruffle. So I do not understand the restriction here.

    13. You may use Style and Spraypaint, as well as Paint, but please do not use Looseness.

    Again looseness is restricted, but style also controls impasto and ruffle which you forbid us to use in point 12. So which is it?

  • Slimjim_Dolee

    The instructions/wall of text is a bit overwhelming and the fact that they are outside Dreams makes it even more difficult.

    It would be better to stamp the text into the remixable scenes so that I can see it when I am creating on VR?

    To future proof these, MM should really consider building out a real-time/dynamic checklist that highlights green when meets requirements.

    I am a game dev in Unity, but reading these long requirements lists really takes the wind out of my sails, and seems excessively complicated—especially for newer Dreamers who may want to participate.

    I mean it’s fine that there are specific rules, but it should be built into Dreams that it can show what rules have been met/not met.

    You should also do a copy edit pass to highlight the core requirements, simplify the text and reduce redundancies.

    Basically the barrier for entry seems really high here, especially considering the diversity and age range of Dreams users/technical abilities.

    I’m not looking forward to having to jump back and forth between Dreamshaping and reading the requirements doc.


    Reading through these instructions again, there are countless ‘you may’ and ‘you may not’s all intermingled, perhaps these should be separated into a simple table with headings ‘do’ and ‘do not’? There may be a better way to create a simpler entry to this text content, like basic requirements, in a chart, then ‘how tos.’


  • LadyLexUK
    Conversation starter

    I have made my scarecrow but as I havent had any answers to the questions posed above I had to hope for the best. I did change its shape - I added legs. I did add a hat but its not a separate sculpt. It fits nicely well within the boundaries of the box and is 2% graphics 1% gameplay so well within limits there. I added a single sculpt that made all the eyes, so it may look like a lot of extra sculpts but it is actually one. I made those eyes glow. Should be fine I think.

    My big tip: Sculpt with blend within the scarecrow shape provided, this will keep thermo low. Use paint flecks for added additions rather than sculpts if you can.

  • Bella_Iris

    Hi.  So I've read and re-read the scarecrow guidelines multiple times.  It says nothing about logic. 

    Are we allowed to add logic to the scarecrow?  example: animating portions of the scarecrow, such as having its head spin in a slow circle.

  • Blounem_

    About the ride:

    The "show floor"switch button shows absolutely nothing. I have a French version of Dreams, this may be the reason why it doesn't work as intended?

  • SinocTheHodgeheg Mm Team

    Hi, no additional logic on the scarecrow thanks ☺️

  • SinocTheHodgeheg Mm Team

    Thank you, this issue should now be resolved. The collection was updated today so if you've already started a level, please check for updates while in edit mode.

  • Slimjim_Dolee

    Here is a link to the YouTube videos that are very helpful.

    It would be great if these videos were in-game as well so Dreamers can follow along like any other Mm tutorial video

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