#AllHallowsDreams 2021 Ghost Train Custom Track Pieces
I just watched the stream and it looks like they're allowing track customization, so I think it won't be a problem! I'm still not sure about the custom train car, but I can make custom tracks that are compatible with the original car too.
I've noticed that the teleporter orientation system can cause a brief stutter with the train car when transitioning between track pieces. It seems like tracks are triggered slightly before the previous track finishes possibly to counter tag sensor latency. It's not all that noticeable, but I'm guessing that in VR it could partially contribute to motion sickness. This drop in quality could be sufficient to get a submission rejected, so for now I'll assume the rocket rotator system will need to be used, unless I can find a way to smooth out the teleporter transitions. Maybe there's a way to use the rocket rotator without the stay upright tweak that uses another method to avoid letting the car get twisted along the track.
I've found that using a follower for position and a teleporter for orientation makes it much smoother and still allows inversions. I guess I'll keep working on it!
Good morning, Enigma_0123.
While custom track pieces are fine to do (and encouraged, if creators really want to go a bit further!), we would probably advise against loops or inversions of any kind, simply because of the difference between VR and non-VR cameras -- the non-VR camera will follow the rail, whereas the VR camera will stay 'upright' and won't get the full effect of the loop we believe.
If you don't mind, we can take a look at your creation to double check it's okay for submission? If this is okay with you, we just need the indreams link :)
Thanks! -
Hi Ryan, thanks for the reply!
I hadn't considered testing it in VR and like you said, the camera only follows Y axis rotation. I haven't spent any time creating in VR before and didn't realize this was the case. I'm making a collection for the track pieces and I'll share the link here once I've released it. I just have to make it clear that the inversion tracks shouldn't be used in submissions but are included just for fun, or for creations that aren't made for the event.
I am curious though, is there any way to get the VR camera to rotate along every axis, or is the only solution to have the scene rotate around the camera instead? I've seen other VR creations that have achieved this effect but I haven't experimented enough in VR to have found a solution.
Here's the collection so far, I still might add more tracks or update the existing ones to make them a bit smoother. I haven't made a submission for the event; I mostly just wanted to create track pieces for others to use and to scratch the roller coaster creation itch I've had since growing up with RCT.
You can fix the VR-ignoring up/down thing by turning on the "pitch & roll in VR" setting in the camera gadget. Job done. Would feel a lot more like you're on the ride, too.
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