Should the object with teleport gadget ever stick to any of the tags available? Because I found cases where they don't stick to any.
It is like in the title and i want to know if it is a bug. To provide more information, this is the scope that i am looking to, of course the dream have more to it than just that, but i want to know if my statement in the title is true, if its not or is a bug.
In my dream:
1 - This teleporter have more than just one tag to stick.
2 - The tags are never shutdown. but the the teleporters do (Some times they are still on but dont stick to any tag and weirdly follow the puppet, not sure if this information is precise).
3 - From my experience with teleporters, they will always stick to the closest active tag when the teleporter is on.
Your point 3 is correct. I'm not sure how it relates to the title, but seems to me the title isn't correct, but point 3 is.
While it has power a teleporter will snap to the closest tag that has power. If the teleporter is on and the object doesn't seem to teleport, the tag isn't powered. If the tag is powered but the object doesn't teleport, the teleporter isn't powered.
You can play time, or use test mode, to see the gadgets, whether they're powered or not, etc. as things happen so you can figure out what's going on.
The 3° point is related more to the dream than to the tilte, i am use this as Lock On feature in the Dream. So when i turn the teleporter on, the object should stick to the closest avaliable tag, there are multiple tags for the teleporter in the scene, different from most other gadget, the teleporter have a static tag to search and it dont interpolate values between them if are multiple tags.
Assuming all this, in the title of the post the teleporter should stick to any of tag that is searching, if the object with the teleporter stick to the tag i don't want to, i assume its a error of my logic, but they still shoud stick to a tag. But like a said in the title there are moments when a turn the teleporter on and leave it on, they dont stick to any of them.
I'd need to see this in edit mode to understand what is happening. And I may be able to figure out why and let you know what's going wrong. If you want to upload something showing the problem and add me as a collaborator I can take a look. If you do, best get in touch via PSN chat or something so we can talk there. This forum doesn't send notifications.
Never mind i found the problem, for some reason even with the calculation to make the object close to the desired target with follower gadget and then stick with the teleporter gadget, sometimes it will stick in the puppet i am controlling even when i made a logic to not do that. But either way i will have to change the system because follower are to slow and it tracks former information when the target its moving.
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