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Arbitrary Sculpture Weight

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    This is because if you scale the object up or down, it would naturally weigh more or less for the physics engine. Which is almost certainly what you'd want as a creator. Normally the literal actual weight doesn't really matter; what matters is how it interacts with other physical objects.

    Anyhow... Until they add such a feature, if you find out what the 100% weight is, you can figure out what percentage you need to set it to to get it to the weight you want.

    For example, at 100% it weighs 59873kg. You want it to weigh 100kg. 100 / 59873 = 0.0016702... * 100 (to get a percentage) = 0.16702... If you use L1+square on the slider you can set the percentage to a specific number. Set it to 0.16702. Now it should weigh something *close to* 100kg.

  • TheBeardyMan

    TAPgiles The effect of the density tweak on a sculpt's mass is exponential, not linear. The equation is:

                                           6 * density + 2.96867907
    mass = 1kg * volume in cubic metres * e

    which limits the change in mass that the density tweak can achieve to a factor of 403.428793. Your example of reducing the mass of a 59873kg sculpt to 100kg is unsolvable because it reduces the mass by a factor of 598.73, which would require the density tweak to be set to -39.481%.


  • TAPgiles
    Great answers


    But does that mean an object with a weight of 59873kg has a volume that, if created with any material that could theoretically exist, could not be 100kg in weight?! Like in physics whatsoever?!

  • TheBeardyMan

    TAPgiles Dreams' upper bound of 403.428793 on the ratio of densities between materials is purely an artifact of that weird way in which a sculpt's "density" tweak affects its mass in Dreams. For the way the tweak works, it's quite misleading for it to be named "density". That name would be more appropriate for a tweak that behaved - like density in real world physics - in the linear way that you described. Real world physics doesn't place any such constraint on how different the densities of materials can be - for example osmium has a density of 22.59 g/cm³ and aerographite has a density of 0.00018 g/cm³, which makes a density ratio of 125500 - a few orders of magnitude more than what Dreams' physics can do - and those materials aren't even exotic matter.

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