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Ability to turn homespace off in the background.

  • Chunky104

    I think the problem with the homespace is that it's too restrictive, and there's no reason to stick around after the tutorial. I understand that they don't want people to break stuff by using their own creations, but if they're dead set on restricting us to just the official Mm elements then they could at least make stuff from their newer updates (Ancient Dangers, the template kits, etc) available to use as well; as it stands they haven't touched the homespace item pool since they added the Welcome Garden Adventure stuff.

    The other issue is, what's even the point of the homespace beyond having something pretty to look at when you boot the game up? My assumption was that it was going to serve as a lobby for multiplayer games — somewhere that players would return to between play and create sessions — but it's been years since they've mentioned online multiplayer and at this point I'm not holdling my breath on it ever being a reality. There used to be a card on the Trello board that seemed to indicate they had plans to expand on the homespace with more features (a new item that would've let creators link to their own, or other players' creations sticks out in my memory), but since that's been archived I think it's safe to say that whatever they had in mind is close to the bottom of their priority list, if not completely scrapped.

    The only thing I can say that's nice about the homespace right now is that it's one of the only ways you can still access the Mm Prize collections (Art's Dream, Welcome Garden, etc.) after the DreamShaping 2.0 update. ...not like there's any reason to use them these days, but it's something, right?

  • ZeckFleck

    Plus I think there could be memory issues with it considering the fan revs up when booting up the game or when I go back to the main menu to switch from either dreamshaping or dreamsurfing. It would be one thing if it was a poorly optimised level by a random guy but this is the default homespace that only allows Mm elements. Something is eating up the memory & honestly, wouldn't mind if they just scrapped it for better performance.

  • UncleM_Games

    I've made suggestions before on ways  to give the homespace reason to exist.  But at this point, i think Mm has pretty much written it off.  Homespace either needs a complete overhaul, or it should be deleted completely.

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