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  • RyansDreamBox commented,

    I found out that racing wheels are a little special and are in their own special analog mode as a racing wheel for games that support it. However a common wheel such as the Thrustmaster T300 also h...

  • RyansDreamBox created a post,

    Has anyone tried steering wheel hardware in Dreams?

    I haven't had a steering wheel for racing games in years, but I wonder if these devices generally act like the steering wheel is left stick local and the throttle pedal being R2 by default. If so, ...

  • RyansDreamBox created a post,

    How to animate deformity on a physically bouncing ball (not animated)

    First, this is about deforming a ball that is an active movable object with the engine physics. Making the ball bounce around wasn't hard. What I can't figure out is how to make a ball that will de...

  • RyansDreamBox commented,

    I used this to help me make a four legged quadruped. I'm slowly coming along with the animation for it and I'm pleased with how smooth the animation can be made, but I still wish to death that MM w...