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  • Akirafran commented,

    Actually, I usually have the plan in mind. But it's just a simple sketch. Because until I start to set up the dream, to work with the prigram, I don't see the lights and it's time to improvise. I o...

  • Akirafran created a post,


    When is the new update expected to include texts as textures? Sounds like one of the best ideas in a long time. I think it will give a lot of play and it will be one of the most versatile tools tha...

  • Akirafran created a post,


    When is the new update expected to include texts as textures? Sounds like one of the best ideas in a long time. I think it will give a lot of play and it will be one of the most versatile tools tha...

  • Akirafran commented,

    Better that than not understand at all😅 In addition, more than useful for subtitles, it is also very useful to understand the prologues that are usually long texts to put the player in context with...

  • Akirafran created a post,

    Internacional Dreams

    Good. Just to tell you that the game could be made more international by trying to add an automatic translator to it, which I think is not something difficult to achieve today. So that in each coun...

  • Akirafran created a post,

    Dreams internacional

    Buenas. Solo deciros que el juego podría hacerse más internacional tratando de añadirle un traductor automático que pienso que hoy día no es algo difícil de conseguir. De manera que en cada país se...

  • Akirafran commented,

    La verdad, tengo mucha ilusión con este juego y me gusta crear grandes cosas. Tengo un proyecto ambicioso en mente, pero el idioma me está matando. Hoy día hay aplicaciones y programas que lo tradu...