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  • MySpirit_1111 commented,

    Also, the real reason for the question was because I thought I saw a  forum post mentioning that they deleted a couple of their prizes and it didn't sound like they were talking about prize bubbles...

  • MySpirit_1111 commented,

    Thanks, Kwizzam! TAPgiles, A holdover from LBP3, I guess. I would get so many "junk" prizes and it would get to where I had to remove many of them, just to keep it all manageable, or because I hit ...

  • MySpirit_1111 commented,

    Ok, then.  Pretty much what I thought. The notifications... It is soooo basic, that virtually every forum platform has it as a base framework. Anyway, thanks, for the idea about the PS4 browser. I ...

  • MySpirit_1111 created a post,

    Post to forums from inside PS4?

    Can you visit the forums or ask a question from inside Dreams? There doesn't seem to be a notification that my question has been answered and it would be nice to just zip up and check to see if my ...

  • MySpirit_1111 created a post,

    How do I delete prizes I get from playing a level?

    I am sure this is very simple and have searched the forums, but it eludes me... In the search, you can see all your prizes in a horizontal column near the bottom. I cannot figure out how to delete ...

  • MySpirit_1111 commented,

    Thank you, very much, for your help! After I let go of the frustration, I did find most of this.  I will look for that dreams tutorial button, though. What I did find is a box that moves around a L...

  • MySpirit_1111 created a post,

    Help with Create Mode Search and Tutorials

    Hi there.I am pretty new to dreams and really have 2 questions. When I first began, I was watching a ton of the workshop tutorials and after I finished, there would be a  common "you can revisit th...