Microchips/Creations Colors
I wanted to see if there was any type of suggestions about adding more icons for the microchips since they have been what we have since dreams started. I have tons of ideas if need be cause I think it would be extremely helpful to dreamers either trying to see how to put something together in the chips, or just for personal organization. Can there be any other colors added to are saved creations. We have also had the same colors since dreams started and the colors truthfully are not well recommended popular colors. Maybe add a color wheel to it to use i think would work perfect. I never posted on here before so i hope i didn't affend anyone by anything i wrote.
A while back I made the suggestion to use the name of the gadget for its icon, if the first character is an icon. Then we have access to *all icons* for our gadgets. (Or at least for chips/nodes.) https://forums.indreams.me/hc/en-gb/community/posts/6494783938973-Icon-in-name-as-gadget-icon
This needs to be implemented. There is just never a good enough fit to represent logic chip functionality. Id imagine the reason it hasn't been done is because once they do the chip name work around, its cemented into Dreams. My guess is they want to do it properly with an icon picker eventually. At least the optimistic in me thinks that.
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