Force stop all instrument note previews in Sound Mode
While playing around with a 3-minute audio clip in Sound Mode, I made the following very loud mistake:
I set Slice Playback to Once mode, Sound Type to Instrument, and played a triad.
It sounded ridiculous and peaked my earbuds, of course, but more importantly, Dreams would not halt this audio no matter what tweaks I applied (power off, volume 0, etc.) -- the horrendous chord even survived into the main menu and several other scenes, totally uninterrupted.
Before I post this as a bug, please let me know if Dreams already has a "force stop" command for audio. Thanks!
Alright, figured out what's going on.
If an instrument (Slice Playback = Once) receives active grains while scene time is stopped, then receives MORE active grains while scene time is flowing, you can no longer tweak the older grains. As long as time is flowing, you can still tweak the newest grains.
However, if you rewind time, BOTH sets of grains suddenly become 100% immune to any tweaks. No way to fix them, as far as I can tell. Pausing time does not affect tweak immunity, only rewinding.
Any grains with tweak immunity will just keep playing through whatever menu/scene. -
I think this is simply how the audio engine works. I agree, it would be useful if the audio completely cut if you exit a scene. You could post about that in the feedback section.
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