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I want to show some text at the hit position of a laser scope.

  • CLOUD1985

    Can you feed the hit position from the scope to a follower. I can't remember exactly how, but I made something similar for a bouncing ball before to display a target to show where the ball would land.

    A follower set to max speed should work.

    You could also feed the position & orientation from the scope to an emitter to emit the target text.
    The text can be added at the centre of an invisible dummy cube sculpt. Group the text & sculpt & emit it using the scope hit data.
    The sculpt should emit with its centre at the scope hit position & since the text is at the sculpt centre, the text should appear to emit wherever the scope hits.

    Think this gives a flicker effect for a moving scope though due to the required constant emiting of the target.

  • TAPgiles

    I have a tutorial on how to do this :D

  • LadyLexUK
    Conversation starter

    Thanks. I went with the emitter option, but instead of a text gadget I used paint. And yes it does flicker, but it sort of works.

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