Keyframes recording size, when I only want rotation
I shrunk a puppet after making some custom animations, and now the animations make the affected parts of the body balloon back up for a moment.
I used FK animation with the move controllers by tapping the secondary bulb against the back of my primary controller, and always make sure it's FK by trying to move a hand to make sure the arm doesn't go with it.
Is there a way around having keyframes record size? There must be, because I've shrunk puppets tons of times, and the jump keyframes didn't turn their arms into giant flailing tree trunks.
Do I have to use the DS4 L2 button after all? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I believe keyframes always record the scale, position, and rotation of an object if you touch the object at all. It's unclear exactly what the relationship is with using FK (L2 or using the moves shouldn't make any difference to this), and the procedural run animations. It could be that they work simply because it's a rotation blending with a rotation, or perhaps it's relative to the connector or something? Hard to say...
Did you scale the keyframe with the puppet? I doubt that's it, but might be worth checking. -
I'm not sure what you mean by scaling the keyframe. They're in the character's microchip.
The normal jumping and running poses are just keyframes, and if you scale a default puppet, the limbs don't go back to normal size when running or jumping. So there must be a way. -
Testing this with fresh puppets, one keyframed with moves, the other with DS4, both scaled down fine with no inflatable limb effects.
I'm really not sure what I did wrong. If I accidentally used IK, the body parts would be highlighted in the orangy color instead of green, correct? -
I'll have a play and see if I can figure anything out.
After some more experimentation, I've realized my previous test was flawed. I was scaling the whole puppet down, which does not seem to bother the keyframes.
This time, I tried just the arms, and I can confirm that the DS4 FK animation does not record size, but using the moves (even with supposed FK), does record the size.
I'm not totally sure it's a bug, but I'm hoping it is, so I'm going to post it in the bugs section. -
Ah, I see. Yeah, I think keyframes and recorders all record transforms *relative* to the scope. So if you record something moving that is not in a group, then you move that thing, it will move to the position it was relative to the scene. If you record the same move inside a group, then you move the group elsewhere, the thing inside the group will still move relative to the group rather than the scene. I think the same thing may be happening here with the scaling.
The difference between L2 and moves sounds like a bug to me too though. Drop a link in here and I'll upvote.
Doesn't hurt for posterity, I suppose. -
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