What's the difference between Sky Hue Cycle in Sky Properties in Sun & Sky and Hue Cycle in Light and Colour in Grade & Effects?
In the tweak menu of a Sun & Sky gadget, the Sky Properties page has a Sky Hue Cycle property. In the tweak menu of a Grade & Effects gadget, the Light & Colour page has a Hue Cycle property.
Except for mapping the numbers 0 -> 360 to the hues in opposite orders - 0 Blue, 60 Magenta, 120 Red, 180 Yellow, 240 Green, 300 Cyan, 360 Blue for Sun & Sky, 0 Blue, 60 Cyan, 120 Green, 180 Yellow, 240 Red, 300 Magenta, 360 Blue for Grade & Effects - these tweaks appear to do exactly the same thing to the scene.
Is there any difference between what they do that I've missed?
My guess would be that the sky hue only affects the sky and it's emitted light, whereas the grade & effects hue affects the whole scene? So if you have a scene with lots of other light sources, like a cave or dungeon, the grade & effects is going to be what you want.
But I haven't tested this. Now you've got me curious. I'll have to check it out when I get home.
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