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How do I edit an already created sculpture?

  • CLOUD1985

    Hover the imp over it and use L1 + X to scope into the sculpture allowing you to edit it. L1 + O will allow you to scope out of the sculpture.

    The same method works for groups/nested groups for scoping in and out in order to edit/modify things

  • mmdev6

    Also if you're finding it hard to remember the shortcuts as you're taking in lots of new information if you select a sculpture with X there's a side menu that appears. This is the same for any object/sculpt/paint/gadget in the game. And if it's sculpt there's a yellow Edit Sculpture button that appears which if you select it, it will then go inside of the sculpt allowing you to freely edit it :)


  • Assassinjeph

    If I'm understanding I think you're asking if there is a way to get back into the shape editor after you've stamped something down. If that's the case I don't think there's a way to do that at the moment.

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