How to stop my vehicle falling apart
I have a vehicle made up of several sculpts. They are all grouped together, yet when I press play they all fall apart. Is there something I'm missing? It's like the grouping process is ignored. How do I connect the parts together so that I can add logic and make a vehicle?
Bonus question (may or may not be a bug): The same vehicle, this time made of only one sculpt (no grouping), has a large bulbous body and three thin legs. When I press play with this one, the three legs seem to ignore the ground and pass through it, yet the rest of the vehicle, namely the larger portions of the body, are solid. It's like the legs can't hold the weight. See the attached image
Scope into the group and tweak every element within the group to non-moveable. Then scope out again and make sure the group itself is moveable.
I have the same issue. I made a ship by creating breakable planks that turns movable when they are triggered by the zone around canon balls. It looks super nice when you fire on it and it breaks super realisitic BUT every time i add a move and controller logic to it it falls apart.... i cant figure out how to only keep the individual parts movable/breakable when it is hit and still contoll it :(
Heres a early video but the same logic issue. works fine when not possesed but then it all breaks at once
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