Is there anyway to make a puppet ragdoll?
I want the enemies in my game to ragdoll when their health is fully depleted and subsequently disappear after a few seconds. Is there anyway to achieve this effect?
This is a feature that we have often talked about but it isn’t currently in the game, or at least I don’t think it is.
It might be possible if you keyfeame off the puppets microchip and also make all of the body parts movable. I have never tried this though.
Hope this is OK - Peter -
I'll try this later tonight, thanks for the response, Peter.
OK, so until the proper built in method comes online I don’t think this is a very easy thing to bolt onto a puppet.
Your best bet might be to create a separate rag doll character and spawn it on top of the player when they die (at which point you also hide the character)
Hope this helps. But yes, I’m sure rag doll will happen at some point. Thank you for raising this :)
Peter -
That is what we are doing for Connies death animation by the way :)
As an update to tackling this feature, I've found that scoping into the puppet, multiselecting each body part (except the pelvis: copy it later on its own or else the logic is retained upon copy), and copying the whole body of the puppet into the world (don't forget to scope all the way out!). This will allow you to create a sort of ragdoll template of the puppet. The ragdoll requires a bit of tweaking on individual parts and ballsockets to get physics working right, but I find that doing this is useful because the connectors are preserved and the ragdoll is very accurate compared to building the whole thing piece by piece. It may also be worth saving the whole ragdoll locally to the PS4 and bringing it back in after saving to avoid any key framing conflicts with the existing puppet (body parts will retain any animation when copied) you wish to emulate the ragdoll for.
This might be the biggest missing gap in terms of the puppet and characters. Hopefully MM can get this in the game before release.
I just wanted to bump this. It's the first thing I tried to do.
Do the key frame logic tutorial. You can set a keyframe to record even changes to logic so you can set a keyframe to remove tension and restriction from the puppet joints triggerdx by the loss of hp
Not sure if you solved this already but I made a Remixable Dream called Ragdoll, which features some puppets that do exactly what you want.
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