Physical Paint limit
I'm making an animated landscape scene to try to practice with as many different tools as possible. Things were really starting to click for me. Then I got a warning that I "hit a limit" for physical paint. It says to reduce the number of physical paintings. My guess is that it a patch of grass I made with the kaledioscope and flecks of various colors and then cloned a bunch of times is the offender; so I tried merging all of those patches into like 2 or 3 paintings. But it still didn't get rid of the warning. I also have applied coats, flecks and various effects and styles to a number of sculptures. Do those count as physical paintings?
I really like the way my scene looks so far but I have barely gotten started.
What options, if any, do I have to reduce the number of physical paintings beyond just deleting a bunch of things? On the thermometer it says that gameplay, graphics and audio are all well below 10%.
I figured out the problem and I feel slightly stupid...if anyone else runs into this issue, the problem appears to be that I had to many objects in my scene with the tweak "physical" turned on. For my present purposes, switching off every instance of this in my scene made absolutely no discernable difference, with the notable exception of turning off the thermometer warning.
I had exactly the same thing yesterday, again with "physical" painted grass. Turned it off, and bingo. Warning gone. It's kinda like how I'm ignoring my "check tyre pressure" warning light on my car dashboard because my tyre pressure seems to be fine...
Thanks VannGogh. I made my torch flames physical for floppieness when carrying it around. I left it on and put like 25 torches in a cave and got the warning but wasn't quite sure what it meant. Fixed now. I don't need floppiness on mounted torches, just some minus gravity which doesn't require you to make it physical.
Thanks @VannGogh !
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