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How do I go into "change imp scale" mode?

  • se24vad

    I also don't see the red camera icon. it just display the zoom level and imps are same size no matter if I drag controllers apart or together. but I have the feeling the the "detail level" still changes.... or is it the focal-length or .. whatever it is called

  • Mm dev - Bogdan/Yann

    The 1:1 icon is new, it used to be a camera icon. The functionality is the same. If you press both move button while holding the controllers on either side of your subject, you be able to drag yourself around it easier. It takes getting used to, so don't worry if it feels weird at first!

  • Supposer

    Oh, I see. I was just using it that way anyway, since I've seen so many of the streams. Obviously, fixing that would be less confusing. But I know you've probably got your plate full anyway. Thanks for the great game ?

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