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Hex color code

  • TAPgiles

    Not right now, no. Though you can convert it into percentage of red, green, and blue... then use a combiner to make a "colour" fat wire and plug that into the colour wheel.

    If you want to just use that colour and use it, you could make a dummy sculpt, and use that technique to tint it at 200% to the right colour. Then when you're spraypainting something else or using the coat tool to tint things, you can use the colour picker to grab the colour from that dummy sculpt and use it as normal.

    So it's possible, but fiddly at least for now.

  • Rabagast

    But if I want the same color as something from for example photo shop, affinity, etc. then it's no way to do that? I know I can use color picker in Dreams. I hope they can add this later. You don't see any drawing programs which doesn't have that. ?

  • TAPgiles

    Yeah... you have to bear in mind, this is not a drawing program. It's a sculpting, painting, music-ing, game-creating program. XD So it wasn't designed to be photoshop, really.

    You can get the percentages of red green and blue in a similar way to getting the hex codes in photoshop. The colour picker or whatever in there should have modes like RGB/HSL/HEX etc. so the RGB one should give you percentages. Then you can use the method I outlined to get that into Dreams.

  • Rabagast

    Maya or Blender is not a drawing program either, but I'm sure you can do that in these programs. All kind of art programs where you can add color to whatever you make have that. I just want to have the same color of an image I have on the computer. It will be so much easier to just write the color code right into Dreams. Well, thanks anyway! ?

  • TAPgiles

    True. Remember though that the foremost thing about Dreams is that it's easy to use for anyone. Hex codes takes a lot of explaining to even "get" what they are, and they would only be useful if you know how to *get* or *create* them.

    I can definitely see them being useful. But I can definitely understand it not being added to Dreams (yet at least).

    You asked if there was a way of getting the same colour from something on the internet into Dreams, and there is as I've explained. You don't have to use it, but that's a solution to your problem as stated. Not much I can do to help beyond that.

    If you'd like to suggest this feature be added, you can make a post in the feedback section instead.

  • TAPgiles

    Here's a tutorial I recently recorded about this (pre-editing):

  • SealLionGar

    epic idea, I also had an idea for something like this.
    mine was for keyboard controls.
    To make things easier to put on the screen.

  • SkysawJr

    I just posted “Hex Color Gadget.” I hope it’s useful for you.

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