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Follower Speed Input Question / Puppet chip size Question

  • Supposer

    I've noticed that happen on trigger zone sizes, but not for the follower. Sounds strange to me. I haven't needed specific speed control from followers myself; I just need it to follow so I turn it up until it's enough to overcome momentum.

    I'll see if I can replicate this problem my end.

  • Mm Bogdan & Matt

    You're right! All speeds and distances (well o.k. there are a few exceptions...) get multiplied by the scale of the gadget. Probably you have at some point scaled down the Model that the gadget is on or the microchip, or even perhaps the group the follower is in.
    The reason this is done is because we wanted objects that the community share to be generally useful when used at different scales. You can see that if you had made a sword and were using a trigger zone to detect the attack range you'd want the trigger zone to automatically scale down when the sword becomes smaller. Because distances become smaller also speeds like those on the movers become smaller to match the distances.
    The number you see on the slider is the correct scaled speed so you can fiddle your input number to make this match the speed you want. If this fiddling of numbers makes you uncomfortable ( or the scale of your object is going to change!) you can workaround around the issue by adding a key to the same place as the follower and splitting the scene transform to get the scale value. You can then multiply the follower speed input by the scale value, using a calculator, before you wire into follower.
    Hope that helps

  • AndymationB

    Thanks, Matt!

    I mostly got it working through trial and error. My logic was a little less plug-and-play than I had wanted, but that's OK.

    Your method sounds much more efficient. I'm not sure what you mean by "add a key" though? Apologies if I'm missing something obvious.

  • Supposer

    Really cool idea, Matt!

    @AndymationB: I think they meant a "tag."

  • AndymationB

    LOL. Thank you, Supposer, for the translation.

    This works wonderfully. I think it will help me out a lot the next time I want to make some modular logic to put into multiple puppets.

    Funnily enough, the official deluxe puppet's scale is .11, so zone sizes and speeds would have to be scaled x 9.101. (If testing this yourself, remember to max out the decimal places of a number displayer).

    I was originally bothered by the thought that I had thrown off the perfect 1:10 ratio, but I guess it was never meant to be. :P

    Thanks again, Matt!

  • AndymationB

    After playing with this last night I realized that by using the grid and snapping the chip to the grid, I could get it back to perfect 1/10 scale. It took a bit of fiddling, but that OCD itch has been scratched. :P

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