How do I make sure you can’t collect the same thing
I’m trying to create a level that has multiple scenes in it and you have to collect a lot of things, but I don’t want the player to find a cheese to just replay the level just to get that collectible. Is there a way to make sure that the collectible stays gone once the player had already collected it?
I believe this youtube video covers how to use variables to do that. It might be the wrong one. I know he talks about it in one of them.
Andy -
You can use variables for this. Have a uniquely-named persistent variable somewhere in your scene that won't be deleted. Use a variable modifier in the pickup to change its value to 1 (for example). If next time that scene is loaded the variable is 1, don't show the pickup.
Have a look at JimmyJules153's tutorial on variables.
Or my dreams documentation that goes into using gadgets in-depth.
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