At what point does a sculpture become a puppet?
I know there's a great thread on creating a puppet from scratch, but I'm wondering, at what point does the game recognize a puppet? I created a sculpture and want to fool around with the tools for animating, etc. from scratch, but I do not see how to turn the sculpture into a puppet without scoping into an existing puppet model. Thanks for any help!
I'd love to know this too.
I believe you can not update sculpture into puppet.
I believe you have to create the puppet (so the game knows it is a puppet). You can completelelly re-shape it, so it should not be a problem. If Im not mistaken, you should be able to set the existing body parts to invisible and then move your own body parts to the same groups (head to the head groups, etc) so they are there instead of the originals. -
I’m not sure, but when I started out I first went into sculpting a character thinking that I could “rig” it later to be a puppet. Based on the way I do characters now, I hate to say it, but there might not be a good/easy way to build the components for a puppet inside your sculpture. The puppets are just so complex that each part needs to be clearly defined. And if you’re like me, when I was new, I built a character sculpture all in ONE sculpt. I think this is the biggest obstacle. In all the working puppets I’ve seen, each part (legs, arms, hands) are iNDIVIDUAL sculpts.
That said, maybe there is still a way it can be done, especially if you worked really hard on a great sculpt. I just thought I’d share my experience though... cross my fingers for ya! -
Wow thank you so much Teebonesy! (dunno if you'll see this). I completely forgot about this comment I put in here and am so grateful you took the time to help me out :)
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