Multiple scope in with move???
Using a DS4 i can grab an object, lets say a head i made, hover over puppets head and scope in to the puppet to select the puppet. You then have to scope in again using l1 + x. To attactch new head to the puppet. Works fine.
But you cant do the same with the move controler. You can grab the head and hober over the head of the puppet now this is where you scope in multiple times with DS4 l1 + x but you have no such option on the move, its not hone the secondry imp panel at all.
Really shouldn't have to keep switching to ds4.
Am i missing something or is this just not possible?
When using moves, replace l1 on the Ds4 with Triangle on your pallete hand :)
John -
A quick fix for this would be to add press x function to primary imp while holding the sculpt you wish to attach using trigger to scope in, x again to scope in furhther then pres circle on primary imp to scope out.
The only function on primary imp when holding a sculpt currently is realign set to triangle. Leaving all the other face buttons free for other options. -
Again john, you're a legend. Worked perfectly.
Thanks again -
my pleasure :)
always happy to help :)
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