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Equiping and unequipping weapon logic system

  • Supposer

    Create a wepon object that includes it all: the weapon itself, the logic, the animations for the character, etc.

    Then you can just turn it on when it’s equipped and turn it off when it’s not equipped. A bit simplistic, but that should get the job done.

  • SlyRowe2

    What I do is use a teleporter and a tag. It's kind of difficult to tweak the teleporter to make your weapon face the perfect direction, but it's doable!

  • SlyRowe2

    I forgot to mention, make sure that your weapon is part of the puppet. Just scope in to the puppet dragging your weapon and now it's part of the puppet. If you don't do this then your weapon and puppet will move weirdly

  • darklord0424242

    I have the weapon already attached to the hand, do I need to remove it and add the teleporter/tag separatly?

  • SlyRowe2

    Add the tag to the hand and then add the teleporter to the weapon

  • darklord0424242

    I've added the tag and teleporter. once I press the button I hotkeyed for equip the weapon teleports perfectly, but when I walk it's all jittery until i hit unequip. Struggling to troubleshoot, even with the weapon scoped in as part of the puppet.

  • darklord0424242

    Figured it out for anyone curious, your weapon must be set to moveable and I turned off collision with friends. Works great! Now I just need to figure out how to map it one button (right now I have two, one for equip and one for unequip).

  • SlyRowe2

    Glad you figured it out!

  • Denjo92

    To equip and unequip with one button just use the selector

  • madduey

    I used a copy of my weapon scoped onto my puppets back set to invisible and just toggle both that and a weapon in my puppets hand. No messing about with orientation or anything then.

    You can of couse add a delay on a timer and keyframe an animation in between the switch if you want your puppet to reach For the gun to equip it.

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