How do I attach a microchip to an object without using Snap to Surface?
If I use snap to surface, gadgets inside the microchip such as cameras, movers, the imp position in a controller sensor, etc all become misaligned when I snap to the surface, since I can't get the chip to have the same position and orientation it had before snapping.
I noticed puppets have their microchip floating on the ground near them, but it follows them. How can I accomplish something like that?
I think if you open the tweak menu for the microchip itself, there’s a button that let’s you connect it to an object.
Doing that doesn’t parent its movement to that object, it only makes the chip apply its settings to that object. If there’s something positional on the chip such as a trigger zone, it won’t move with the object.
Try grouping the Microchip and the object. If you want the Microchip to move with the object, the Mover gadgets will need to affect the whole group.
Hope it helps!
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