building a vr mech game would any one like to help?
I want to make the game fun and arcade like where you take on alien mechs and monsters
so far i got the mech and base mechanics done. im currently working on the hub and enemies.
I could use help with music badly.
and assets makers for building the stages such as buildings and such.
here is a vid from my twitter that shows what I got so far.
There are a community of Music Makers in Dreams known as the Monday Night Crew, they gather every Monday on twitch at at 9pm UK or 1pm Pacific time. While it isn't possible to guarantee that they will vote to work on your game, they do tackle new musical themes and projects every single week, and what gets chosen for the next week is a public vote in the chat. If you don't have a tight deadline for getting the music, this could be a great option to explore! You can also message ItsAllStar on Twitch, or The_Tenia in Dreams to get more information about how to submit your project for voting.
If you are in a deadline, that's still the largest active community of music makers currently in Dreams, and just coming to hang out and meet people and listen to their styles will help you find new people that may be interested in helping you with your project! -
still in need of collaborators. I have 1 tester and thats it. need people with vr and move controllers. could use more testers and people good at building enviroments.
my vr game mixes a lot of ideas from mech shows and games and has classic mech sound effects. looking cor original music as well I do not want any copyrighted stuff.
hey I could be a tester for vr if you still need one
I may be interested In helping you with environment but I need to know more about the game. I’m not a fan of mechs shows or game so I don’t know if I can help you.
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