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Perhaps a Dreams "partner" program

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    ys plz

    I've actually asked about the possibility of this before, but it's not on the cards right now.

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    Though you can become a contractor who does one-off jobs for Mm. Martin Nebelong is effectively that, for example. And I think mBergs did the fashion video with them. But it seems they're almost exclusively interested in artists for the moment. I'm on their books as someone they might contract in the future, but I'm not an artist so I haven't been used yet.

  • RedSeikatsu-

    Yeah it makes a lot of sense to those who want to grow with Mm. I have no plans on leaving Dreams and only want to continue creation through it so having a sort of backing would be fantastic. Don’t get me wrong I don’t believe I’d be chosen so easily. But in terms of dedication I’m there.

  • QuietlyWrong

    Because the milk varies enormously in quality and you want to secure the very finest cream before it sods off?

  • Lucid_Stew

    Why buy the cow when the milk is free?

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