#DreamsCom21 - Discussion Thread!
Hello, CoMmunity!
If you run into any problems or issues with DreamsCom show floor, please raise them with us here so we can investigate straight away for you. ❤️
Don't forget, you can now visit DreamsCom 2021 in the Dreamiverse RIGHT NOW! https://indreams.me/dream/mvvVvhgVHgi
Don't think this is specifically Dreamscom, noticed this outside of Dreamscom, but when using the subtitle gadget and adjusting the timing between a line-break in a timeline, AND when collaborating with someone in the UK from the US (only example I have) it will ignore the line break adjustment in the timeline and display as an entire block (pictured).
Hi! The subtitles in my booth, aswell as other booths seems broken!
I had a button in my booth that triggers an ambulance crashing through the wall.
I noticed that he button was removed and the ambulance does not trigger anymore.
Is the problem with the "Free PS5" sign ? if so , can it be renamed to "Free Candy" instead rather than taking out the ambulance animation with it?
The ambulance was supposed to be the highlight of the booth.
Think MM would do me a favor and just take the subtitles out of my booth altogether. I hate it so much.
Edit: I guess I should be more specific. I'm also having the walls of text. And if they can't be properly fixed, I'd prefer no subtitles at all to this. -
Yeah I'm also fine with my booths subtitles being removed lol
Sadly my booth is slidely broken.. Some parts like the button for the hidden door shifted.
Another thing that happened is that a column is stuck in the tree now.
Ooh, the plot thickens, with the way text languages are stored. Oof.
I know it's super late, but would it be possible to have usernames added to our boothes? I didn't put my name on mine (I assumed they would be labelled or marked in some way)
I didn't see any problems with the subtitles on ApesOnFire's or InsaneAlphaBeta's booths when I visited in person.
Is it a UK-region thing? (i.e. it's fine in the UK region, where the Mm folks operate, putting booths into DreamsCom halls, but not elsewhere)
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