Sculpt & Painting Options Enhancement.
From Sculpt or Painting tweak menu we need new option called Saved States. How it works is simple, player first sets sculpt to the way they want it (color etc etc) then they go to page in it's tweak menu called Save State & on this page is a list of numbers top to bottom 1: State 2: State etc etc. From here they click on 1 and it saves sculpts setup in slot 1. Then player goes and changes sculpts color & some of its other settings, now player goes back to Save State page & selects Slot 2. Player is also able to select what Save State Slot is active currently & can even link up logic to it. For instance, imagine player connects randomize chip to the 2 Save state Slots & turns it on, Now sculpt will automatically start switching from one Saved State to the other. Player should be able to make as many Saved States for a sculpt as they like for a single sculpt & the list would just get bigger and scroll down as needed. If player creates tons of save states for one sculpt, lets say 100, then they could just grab scroll bar and drag it down fast or slow. It should have functionality where if player grabs scroll bar pulls it down & releases button it will keep scrolling down from momentum.
It’s too specific a thing to implement in the UI, and can easily be achieved using a keyframe instead.
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