BEND FLECK Tool, I'll explain :)
Players need access to a Tool called BEND FLECK that lets players select the bent angle of a single fleck in one of 2 ways. 1st: FLAT BEND where fleck bends from middle (Like a book closing) & 2nd: CURVED BEND (Fleck bends around like it's trying to form a cylinder) . Here is how it works- In the Tool menu from any mode, player will have a new Tool called BEND FLECK, to the right of the Tool called BEND FLECK is an option called FLAT BEND/CURVED BEND player can select to turn on one of these at a time. To the right of this player will see a box where they can enter a # from 0-180 this number represents the degree to which the fleck will be bent. Example: If FLAT BEND is selected & set to 180 degrees then it would appear as if the top half of the fleck was flattened against the bottom half & merged as one. If however CURVED BEND is selected then if set to 90 degrees both ends of fleck would appear to be bending towards each other meeting in the middle. After setting it up the player could then click on sculpt/painting & have the effect apply to all it's flecks, or to the right of the box where player enters # from 0-180 is an option called PRECISION which can be turned on or off. If on, players imp will be holding a holographic looking square they can change size of at will (Square is default shape but can be changed to other shape if player wants) player then places this holographic looking shape over sculpt/painting and presses activation button. Every fleck in the activation zone will then have the effect of the BEND FLECKS current settings applied to them. While using this PRECISION Tool players can press a separate activation button to force Flecks in the activation zone to align to each other & face same direction. How would this look you might ask. Imagine you sculpted a square, but the edges are not sharp & also have some impasto/ruffle going on. So you decide to set BEND FLECK Tool to FLAT BEND and 90 degrees then you position PRECISION Tool over corner & activate the BEND FLECK & Align flecks feature & wallah the flecks in that area are not only bent to right angles but are also aligned next to each other & facing in the same direction. But what about the direction of the bent fleck you might ask? It needs to face the correct direction or the corner might look like an indent :) Not a problem, while holding down the activation button to activate the BEND FLECK tools effect you can simply tap up/down/left/right on right analog stick to shift the current direction the flecks you are highlighting are facing. So if the FLAT BEND option can get me cleaner edges (especially at 90 degrees) then what is the point of the CURVED BEND tool you might ask. Simple :) 1st: visual Variety & 2nd: it would allow for hilly surfaces to be more naturally hilly, seeing as how the flecks themselves (if CURVED BEND is on) would be naturally bending over the curves. Great for curvy corners :)
Awesome idea! This would also be perfect for making nice natural looking edges on paint fleck walls, instead of razor sharp 90 degree edges. I'm using a workaround, but this feature would be so much better.
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