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#DreamsCom22 : Booth Submissions - Questions & Issues Thread! 🎪

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    For full details about #DreamsCom22, including our submission guidelines, deadlines, and more, please check out:

  • MitterMak

    I am assuming booths/demos etc do need to be released publicly before submitting?

  • MissingDoubloon

    Does “shouldn't contain logic which alters the gameplay of the scene” in the guidelines exclude remote possessed gameplay if I want to add a small demo confined to the booth of stuff I made or plan to? (Can the template puppet’s inputs be blocked while remote possessing another puppet in said demo?)

    Edit: never mind, got an answer to my concern from other dreamers :)

  • NaosNDC

    Sorry if this already answered, If I send my stand and a demo, players will be able to access the demo from the stand?

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    MissingDoubloon No worries! Glad to hear you found the answer to your question. 😊 

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    NaosNDC Demos won't be accessible from within DreamsCom itself, similar to DreamsCom 2021. Instead, our curation team will be adding all demos to a special area of DreamSurfing, especially crafted for DreamsCom 2022. 😊 

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    MitterMak You can submit creations as unlisted (so they won't be found within search results) provided it's set to public so we can see it.

  • Rammstein53452

    For last year's DreamsCom I submitted my demo but it was not featured on the demo page. After reaching out to the curation team for the reasons it was not featured, a member gave me a list of changes to make which I have since adhered to with the best of my ability. When attempting to submit the demo for this year's DreamsCom the submission page tells me the creation has already been submitted in another event despite not having been featured in last year's event. Would it be possible to work around this limitation? I have not submitted this demo anywhere else to my knowledge.

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    RE: Light gadget restrictions, is that only applying to spotlights? How about shadow-casting vs non-shadow-casting? And is there no limit on diffuse lights as they don't have those perf limitations?

    RE: Listening Booth music... presumably we should be sure not to set things to "once" mode otherwise they will keep playing even when the player has left.

    The order the thermos are displayed on the challenges page seem to just be random. Having them be in the same order as in-game, and on the spec page would be helpful.

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Hey Rammstein53452! Sorry to hear you've encountered this issue with the submission page. I've passed it onto the team and we're looking into it. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to us directly and send us a link to your creation (before the submission deadline) once it's ready! 😊 

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Hi TAPgiles! Yes, the lighting restrictions only apply to the spotlights. You can also diffuse light as long as it doesn't extend past the limits of your booth.

    I've checked with the team and if you're making a listening booth, please set the music's timeline to "loop".

    Lastly, apologies to hear you've encountered this problem with the challenge page! Rest assured, we're aware of the issue and it's being looked into. 😊

  • Grambitious

    Can I remove those painted/colored edges on the booth or are the going to be baked in?

  • mandogy

    Are we able to make informational booth about cut alpha/beta content or developer exclusive gadgets?
    Seemed like y'all purposely avoided my questions on the stream, as if you don't want to confirm imp editor (At least on 1.00 and 1.03 of Alpha) or developer gadgets exist. 

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    (I thought I posted this yesterday but...) The light gadget rules table is messed up on the guidelines page.

    I can't find anywhere that explains how to submit, on any of the Dreamscom22 pages. Or any links to the challenges page. (I know the answer; but it should *definitely* be on those pages.)

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Grambitious Yes, feel free! As long as the template's base remains.

  • Magrathean_42

    I already submitted my booth. If I need to make some modifications to my Booth in the next days, do I need to resubmit it or will you automatically get the last version before the end date as it would for game jams? 

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Hey TAPgiles! Thanks for letting us know about the table on the guidelines page. Rest assured, our web team have already fixed the formatting issue!

    The link to the challenge/submission page is listed on the blog, but here's the direct link: Don't worry, we'll be sending reminders around this week on our socials!

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Hello Magrathean_42! Yes! As long as you update your booth before the deadline, we'll automatically receive the latest version. Any updates after the deadline we unfortunately won't be able to accept.  😊

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Hey there mandogy!  Anyone is able to submit a booth to DreamsCom, but we do curate all submissions to make sure they all meet our Terms of Service and community guidelines. If they don't, they won't be included in the show. 😊

  • Pookachoo

    Is it alright to have the range of a spotlight go down below the floor, so long as it doesn’t go out the sides of the booth? I think it’s okay but wanted to check :)

  • NibblersBox

    I’m having an issue submitting my booth. I’m getting the error that the creation does not use the correct template. I’m certain that I did use the correct booth template, what can be done to correct this issue?

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Hi Pookachoo! As long as everything remains within the ruler contained in the template, you should be fine! 😊

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Sorry to hear this NibblersBox! Please could you send us a link to your creation so we can look into this further?

  • Spapace

    Hello, I'm about to send my Booth for the dreamscom 22, only I realized that some elements exceed the limits at ground level (without exceeding the basic sculpture of the stand) that is to say that if we look below we don't see anything protruding, only if we make the ruler appear in the "hide" tool we see that the base sculpture of the ground is below the limit, as well as some pieces of sculpture elements that I added, is this problematic?

    (Sorry for my Bad English)

  • Magawaan


    I'm building a Stand Booth, but restrictions are misleading. The official guidlines (Content and Technical Specifications) and the submission page speak of 10% audio thermo, while a panel in the scene for testing the booth speaks of 5%. Sure hope 10% is correct...

  • LukeAndBeyond Mm Team

    Hi Magawaan! Apologies for the confusion! To confirm, it's 10% audio memory for listening booths. 💜

  • Magawaan

    Hi LukeAndBeyond, thanks for answering, but I'm building a STAND booth, how much audio thermo is allowed in one?

  • JohnnyBiscotti

    Hi Luke! Is there any way to force first person perspective? It looks like there’s a transmitter called “First Person” for when first person is on. If you added a receiver with the same name that turns on first person that would allow me to turn it on remotely.

    No worries if this isn’t desirable or feasible in the timeframe, but I just wanted to check.

  • SlurmMacKenzie

    Hey JohnnyBiscotti, sorry there won't be a way to force first person perspective. Maybe you can suggest to the player that your booth is best experienced in first person?

  • JohnnyBiscotti

    Thanks Slurm! That could work.

    Is there any way to have the 3rd person camera collide with invisible sculpts? Video example here:

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