Help with Create Mode Search and Tutorials
Hi there.
I am pretty new to dreams and really have 2 questions.
When I first began, I was watching a ton of the workshop tutorials and after I finished, there would be a common "you can revisit this at any time" kind of message. Then I began doing some imp quests and when I wanted to continue with the tutorials, I could not locate them. All this was in the dreamshaping section, but the tutorial section now disappeared. How do I find the tutorials I missed and those I completed?
My second question:
When I was working on tutorials in create mode, if I clicked on "search", I had access to the collection from the tutorial. When working on a template, I had access to the template collection AND others from MM at the top of the search page. When working on Welcome Home imp quest, I had access to the Welcome Home assets in my search, but after I did a quick save of the template, the collection was no longer at the top of my search page. The search page just showed "recommended" collections and none of them were what I was using. I came to dreams from LBP3 and thought the create mode search was similar to the poppet, showing what you had collected, but apparently that is not the case. Now, I feel lost, because I don't know where anything is.
Is there a way to show the collections I have been using in the scene, or do I have to search for every item through thousands of collections? Or is there another, easier way to keep it simple and easy to find? Thanks, in advance for any advice!
To find the tutorials, scroll down in dream shaping and look for the "Dream Workshop" button. That'll take you to the tutorials section again. Or you can pause in edit mode, and click "video player" or "help" to be able to search all tutorials, and get one to play in the corner as you create.
When playing a tutorial, they lock in a special collection to be able to use set up for specifically that purpose. When you're just creating, they don't lock it in because you can be making anything. It's all still available though... if you scroll down you can find the "Mm Collections" row, which has a more structured organisation of all the assets you can use from Mm. So they should be in there somewhere. Or search in the text box at the top to just find stuff anyone has made on the dreamiverse.
There used to be a "prizes" tab at the top too, but that was removed for some reason.
Thank you, very much, for your help!
After I let go of the frustration, I did find most of this.
I will look for that dreams tutorial button, though. What I did find is a box that moves around a LOT that says something like "I want to learn how to..." that leads to the workshop. Also, apparently, when your internet goes down, you have limited resources to search from, so the things that are in your ps4 file are all that shows up, making it much easier to find something you have already seen/done.
I find the prizes listed at the bottom of the search page, most of the time.I really appreciate having some place to ask a question. It would be awesome if we could do that from within Dreams. There is so much to learn about how this system works. It is all good, though. I am almost always having fun.
Thanks, again, for helping me with this!
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