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Destroy Microchip within a Microchip

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    It's all down to how "affected object" works. If there's a wire, it'll affect those objects. But also it'll affect the object its parent (eg. the chip it's inside) affects. If a gadget (eg. destroyer, or it's parent chip) is surface-snapped to an object, it will automatically affect that object.

    So if you've got a chip surface snapped to an object, and a destroyer inside that chip, it will automatically destroy whatever it's surface-snapped to. To avoid that, you can leave the destroyer hanging out *outside* the chip. Then you have full control over what it destroys, as it'll only destroy things you wire it to.

  • TAPgiles
    Great answers

    Here's my tutorial on this topic:

    And my documentation on how object-input settings (eg. Affected Object input on a chip) and object-output settings (eg. Affected Object(s) output on a destroyer) work:

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