Destroy Microchip within a Microchip
I need an in depth tutorial on the Destroyer gadget. Sometimes i can get it to destroy a microchip that's in another microchip without destroying everything else, other times i cant. I have no idea how it works and resort to hours of trial and error... Would be nice if there was an option for it to only destroy what you wire to "affected object".
It's all down to how "affected object" works. If there's a wire, it'll affect those objects. But also it'll affect the object its parent (eg. the chip it's inside) affects. If a gadget (eg. destroyer, or it's parent chip) is surface-snapped to an object, it will automatically affect that object.
So if you've got a chip surface snapped to an object, and a destroyer inside that chip, it will automatically destroy whatever it's surface-snapped to. To avoid that, you can leave the destroyer hanging out *outside* the chip. Then you have full control over what it destroys, as it'll only destroy things you wire it to.
Here's my tutorial on this topic:
And my documentation on how object-input settings (eg. Affected Object input on a chip) and object-output settings (eg. Affected Object(s) output on a destroyer) work:
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